Sunday, May 17, 2009

The glories of milk

I'm African American and I'm not lactose intolerant yet.   Later onset intolerance happened to my uncle and I think it's happening to my Dad.  But, I'm not a big milk drinker.  Ice cream and cheese-yes, yogurt-yes, but not so much the liquid milk.

Growing up I'd have a bowl of cereal every morning and wonder if I could put anything other than cow's milk in the bowl.  I actually love eating oatmeal in the morning because I can get my bowl of cereal and not worry about soaking something in milk.  These days, when I go on a cold cereal jag, I'll often use soy milk.

Anyway, I was catching up on some podcasts while walking Lika and heard an interview on Fresh Air with food historian Anne Mendelson talking about artisanal milk - nonhomogonized, batch pasteurized and all that.

Very interesting.  And I agree with her on the organic stuff - it's a word that has no official meaning in most states.  It can be helpful with some items, but only if you're using a specific organic standard.

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