Friday, June 19, 2009

Adding back the iron

I really like lifting weights. My body makes noticeable improvements faster with resistance training than with cardio. Or maybe it's just that I like the measurable changes of "I can do more push-ups!" or "I can go deeper with my squats!" as opposed to "I don't feel as winded after that sprint!"

Either way, I'm going to a rotation of P90 Masters Series. I'm not quite up to P90X again since I've lost some serious upper body strength. Sigh. It's all my own fault for not exercising at all for so long. But P90M will allow me to get stronger so I can hit P90X with all I've got.

Also, my running is going well. I went out Tuesday to run a 5K (according to my Nike+iPod). Felt good and turned it into a 10K! Whoo-hoo! And did another 10K on Wednesday! Whoo-hoo! I can run 6 miles in about an hour and not feel like I'm dying. That's pretty damn cool!

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