Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nasty Habit to Break

I’ve read various places that your brain can only deal with so much self-control at one time. So it’s unwise to start a really rigorous eating plan at the same time as you’re committing to practice the guitar 30 minutes a day. It’s like you have a set amount of self-control at one time and trying to spread it out over too many new ventures at once will deplete your stores.

When I’ve been good at exercising, often I go to work thinking, “Well at least I exercised this morning. That’s a victory!” Which is good. But then I lose interest in racking up work victories. So I need to get over that habit. I know I’ve got enough self-control to have an exercise victory then carry that feeling over into a work victory.

So, I’m off to tackle my work to-do-list! Wish me luck!

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