Monday, September 28, 2009

Naked times

Thought for the moment: Apparently the body part that people are most comfortable with is their face. It makes sense: we see our face in mirrors all the time. Thus we (hopefully) stop whacking ourselves with criticisms about it. Or even if we do, unless we never check our own teeth for spinach in our teeth, we have to deal with our own self-critique.

So, in order to get comfortable with the rest of your body – speckles, scars, scrawniness and/or flabbiness, et al – I propose that everyone spend as much time naked as possible. Preferably in front of a mirror. Company is optional.

Really, your body is great. Just the way it is. It’ll be with you forever – literally through thick and thin. Embrace it. Enjoy it for how it looks and what it can do. Use activity and a healthy attitude toward food to show respect to it and yourself, maybe help all of your person get and stay a bit healthier.

But still, your body rocks! Get nekkid!

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