Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chest & Back / ARX

Did the first reboot Ab Ripper X (ARX) and Chest & Back. I really hate ab/core work so I always do it first. I was shocked at how many reps I could do of some of those moves. I'm getting better at the Oblique V-ups. I can definitely feel it getting deep into my obliques.

Also, the Mason Twists at the end? From the devil. Straight from hell. No lie.

Chest & Back. This workout always intimidates me, but it's one of my faves once I get going. I like the idea of being a woman who can eek out some push-ups on her toes & will someday do pull-ups without a chair.

Also, the Divebomber Push-Ups at the end? Also from the devil. Straight from hell. No lie.

Thirdly, I'll be so dang happy when I'm doing a downward dog and not seeing the cellulite jiggle on my thighs. (Yes I could just wear longer shorts, but I'm working out in the summer in a well-insulated Chicago apartment and avoiding turning on my A/C as long as I can!)

Fourthly, (almost done, I swear) I'm looking at getting the Recovery Drink into my nutrition routine at some point. Besides cost, I'm concerned that I'm not pushing myself enough to get much out of it. Generally, I've only felt well and truly wiped out after Plyo. I could easily take a 2 hour nap after that. I think my upper body is so weak in various places that I can't push my weight lifting as much as I'd like, i.e. - I couldn't do as many push-ups today because my biceps and triceps gave up the ghost. So now, I don't feel as torched as I do with Plyo. But I also know I would struggle to do another push-up.

So, I guess I feel like I'd get more out of using the Recovery Drink when I can push my body further in all the workouts, not just one really killer workout. Although, it'd be nice to have the Drink for that one.

Alright - have a great day!

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